domingo, 27 de enero de 2013

i've been taken...

yes... funny... odd... but true... something unexpected happened. I've been taken by surprise when I thought it was all gone. When I felt you far away, when I finally tried to convince myself I was not meant to be next to you, and then, suddenly i got an email, a letter. My break. I've been taken by confusion when you told what you felt for me, when you finally told me what i meant for you and was almost the same of what I was feeling but you were just telling me good-bye. I've been taken by despair when I couldn't let you know that I cared for you more that I had shown you. But I finally said it: "all I want is you". But at last I could hold you again. I've been taken by excitement when you kissed me on my lips and my body and soul reacted to that. My feet were not touching the ground and my heart was beating so fast. I was again speechless. I've been taken by the respect I have for you as a person, as my friend, as my ..... (no label necessary). And I know there might be more guys knocking at my door... but there is only one thing I can tell them: "I've been taken... and my heart has been too"

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